FIFTEEN QUILTS ARE BEING DONATED to Mott’s Children’s Hospital on behalf of the Kiwanis Club of Owosso. These handmade quilts will be used in the Brandon Neonatal Intensive Care Unit at C.S. Mott Children’s Hospital inside the University of Michigan Hospital, to cover isolettes for premature babies. The quilts help to control the bright lights, sound, temperature and humidity in the ICU wards. This Neonatal unit needs 1,200 baby quilts each year. The quilts are given to the family of each baby to take home and enjoy. Each quilt is approximately 36 by 42 inches, usually from 100 percent cotton, and are lovingly created in all sorts of different patterns and colors.

   Kiwanis of Owosso was very fortunate to have Kathy Smith, from Village Quilters of Durand, stitch a cute quilt with an owl theme, and Sharon Dean, of Dearborn Heights, who created 14 quilts. Some of these quilts have storybook themes from the “Hungry Caterpillar,” “Brown Bear, Brown Bear, What do you See?” and “Winnie the Pooh.” The rest of the quilts have varying themes.

   Kiwanis of Michigan donated 350 quilts toward last year’s quota. These quilts are an ongoing need at Motts. The hospital washes the quilts in extremely hot water to sanitize them before their use. If interested in creating preemie quilts, contact the Kiwanis Club of Owosso at P.O. Box 363, Owosso 48867.

(Courtesy Photo)

Handmade Quilts was last modified: August 17th, 2020 by Karen Elford