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Letter to the Editor


Thomas Ford, Owosso

11:18 am

Independent Editor,

Kelly and Kevin Blair, Lisa Bible, Paul and Jan Ray, Tom and Deb Johnson, Judy Ford, Noah Ford, Katrina Hall, all the young people I met at the Owosso for Bernie Rally on Monday and all the other Shiawassee County for Bernie Sanders volunteers who phone banked, went door to door, updated data, put out yard signs, passed out literature, wrote letters to the editor and most importantly believed, in spite of all the Democratic establishment anti-Bernie propaganda, that Bernie could win. We need to be very proud of all they have done along with the democratic primary voters to win all of Shiawassee County for Bernie Sanders and more than did their part to put the State of Michigan in the Bernie win column.

We can’t stop to rest on our laurels. There is still much to be done to win this nomination for Bernie from phone banking and data keeping to letter writing, etc. As Bernie has repeatedly said, we can win this nomination if we can stay committed to his campaign and encourage ever growing numbers of volunteers to actively support Bernie and (GOTV) “Get Out The Vote.”

In upcoming state primary after state primary there are opportunities for people in Shiawassee County to volunteer for Bernie and tip the scales on his behalf like we did in Shiawassee county and the State of Michigan. To find these opportunities go to or on facebook at Shiawassee County for Bernie.

Find out who your Bernie supporting friends, neighbors and relatives are and encourage them to get out there and work for Bernie’s election. We should all take pride in your Shiawassee County and Michigan victories and “Feel the Bern!”

Thomas Ford, Owosso

Thomas Ford, Owosso was last modified: March 16th, 2016 by Karen Elford