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Letter to the Editor


Robert Callard Woodhull Township Perry

11:22 am

Independent Editor,

On Wednesday, July 26, the Shiawassee County Planning Commission will be soliciting public input on wind turbine decommissioning regulations. The meeting is at 7 p.m. in the commissioners meeting room on the first floor of the Surbeck building in Corunna.

Provisions for the removal of any future wind turbines are a significant aspect of the planning process. Assurances must be made that Shiawassee County residents will not be liable for any future removal costs. It is extremely important that the planning commission develops detailed, stringent, and economically sound measures to adequately address removal issues. Every citizen that is concerned about the turbines and their potential future impacts should attend this meeting and show support for stringent decommissioning regulations.

The “Regulated Wind of Shiawassee County” is a group of 500-plus citizens represented by an attorney to promote stringent regulations to protect the health, welfare, and safety of all county residents, regarding all aspects of the industrial wind turbine proposal. If you can’t make it to the meeting, you can support the groups’ efforts with a donation to Regulated Wind of Shiawassee County, P.O. Box 22, Owosso, MI 48867. Thank you for your consideration of an issue critical to the future of the county.


Robert Callard

Woodhull Township


Robert Callard Woodhull Township Perry was last modified: July 24th, 2017 by Karen Elford