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Letter to the Editor


Patsy Wheeler, Vernon Township

11:27 am

Independent Editor,

I don’t want to rain on anyone’s parade, but please stop releasing balloons and lamps into the sky. I know there are all kinds of wonderful celebratory reasons why we do it: weddings, birthdays, anniversaries, to remember a lost soul, or a charity event. Littering is against the law and this is littering, pure and simple, because what goes up, must come down, and why the law is not enforced here, I don’t know. That litter ends up in the trees, along the roadside, but even worse, in our rivers, lakes and oceans, where fish, birds, turtles, whales, and manatees eat it, feed it to their young and die. They also get caught up in the strings and handles of the debris and die terrifying and agonizing deaths. So please think about this when you are planning to release things into the air. And to the police- how about enforcing the law against littering?



Patsy Wheeler, Vernon Township

Patsy Wheeler, Vernon Township was last modified: June 26th, 2017 by Karen Elford