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Letter to the Editor


Patricia A. Cook, Laingsburg

11:36 am

Independent Editor,
A lot of negativity has been pointed recently towards the current leadership at Woodhull Township. What’s unfortunate is that so many seem to be so “uninformed” on why a change in leadership was so desperately needed. Below is an “informed” opinion on what  Slee was able to do during her 30 years at Woodhull Twp:
• Convert township funds to secure computer equipment for her and and then refuse to return it once she had resigned.
• Secure a no-bid contract for her son to paint the Township Hall.
• Secure a single-bid contract for her son to repair the Township Hall Foundation, which has been failing for many years and will cost the taxpayers thousands of dollars to repair.
• Secure a high-bid contract for her son-in-law to plow Township property for many years.
• Appoint her son to a non-existent paid position with the County Drain Commission.
• Secure a private cell tower on her property.
• Sell personal land to Consumers Power for a substation.
• Maintain an office at the Township Hall and at her home at taxpayer expense.
• Discriminate openly against taxpayers who live in subdivisions.
• Alter legal documents before presenting them to Township Board members.
• Lie to the Township Board Members and public about legal opinions paid for by taxpayers.
• Degrade other Township Board members in public.
• Resign her position in May (in planned coordination with Clerk Maize who also resigned) at a critical stage of major projects, then refuse to help in transition, but expected to be paid for days she did not work until her resignation was accepted.
• Refuse repeatedly to surrender Township records and property as required by law even after being ordered by a judge to do so, causing excessive legal costs to the Township and taxpayers.
• Submit 80 Freedom of Information (FOIA) requests as a fishing expedition and as a distraction from the real issues, then demean the current Township leadership for hiring professionals to assist in fulfilling these FOIA requests.
What are you hiding Slee? Return the Township records. A vote for Carol Maize (who resigned in May of an election year) is a vote to return to this corrupt administration.  Supervisor Diana Hasse has exposed unethical and illegal actions and is the only hope for continued oversight of Pam Slee after she is elected Treasurer and handling our tax dollars. We need to put an end to the friends-and-family benefit plan run by Pam Slee. Let’s put it behind us once and for all and move forward!


Patricia A. Cook, Laingsburg

Patricia A. Cook, Laingsburg was last modified: October 31st, 2016 by Karen Elford