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Letter to the Editor


Janice Andersen and the “BIG A” Memorial Golf Classic Committee

10:34 am

Editor, The Independent:

The seventh annual “BIG A” (Jason E. Andersen) Memorial Scholarship Golf Classic Committee would like to take this opportunity to thank several individuals and businesses who either were Hole Sponsors, contributed monetary donations, and/or helped out during the golf outing June 20, 2015.

We were blessed that day with 24 teams and wonderful weather that allowed us earnings of $3,310 that will be placed in funds for next year’s scholarships for both Laingsburg High School and Alpena High School seniors. This definitely would not have been possible without the following individuals and businesses: Al Buxton, George Gates, Amanda Decker, Sue Wolfe, Bev Cords and Ron Lammy, Donna Wright, Robert and Colleen Myren, Dr. Colleen Phillips and Capital City Vision Center, Bob and Jan Nelson, Joyce Rowley, Jill and Dave Pasant, The Little Bar, Mike Wolfe, Cindy Lee, Aaron and Amanda Berndt.

Also, Dee Putnam, Cindy Brundage, Mike Putnam and his daughters Mickey, Macey, Paige Jillian and Brooke, Bob and Shirley Ordiway, Tishia and Colin Ordiway, We Print Everything – Owosso; Glen and Sue Smith, Barry and Beth Decker and Family; Al Mann; Shaheen Chevrolet; Jason Cords; Gewirtz Hardware Chesaning; Dr. Ehinger and Dr. Jeanine Hopfensperger, DDS of Chesaning.

Plus Marc Cesere, Aunt Barb and Uncle John Bachelder; Alpena Coaches and Friends, Bob and Mary VanPoppelen, Travis and Karrie VanPoppelen, Brandon and Kelly VanPoppelen, VanPoppelen’s McDonalds, Inc., Nelson-House Funeral Homes, Chesaning’s Ace Hardware, Joe Greenfelder, American Legion Post 248, Twilliger’s, Paul, Sara Cruz and Carver Mitchell, Main Beverage, Fabiano Inc., O’Sullivan Distributors, Chesaning’s Designs By Bean – Mike Greenfelder, Twin Brooks Golf Course and all the golfers too numerous to mention, we thank you from the bottom of our hearts.

We hope to see all of you again next year, same time, same place on Saturday, June 18, 2016 at Pine Hills Golf Course in Laingsburg. Thank you so much!

Janice Andersen and the “BIG A” Memorial Golf Classic Committee

Janice Andersen and the “BIG A” Memorial Golf Classic Committee was last modified: June 29th, 2015 by Karen Elford