DURAND CITY COUNCIL held the first regular meeting of the year. Shown are (from left) council members Dr. Brian Boggs and Connie Cobley, Durand Mayor Ken McDonough, Durand Mayor Pro Tem Matt Schaefer and council members Rich Folaron and Jeff Brands.

(Independent Photo/Karen Mead-Elford)


  The Durand City Council met for the first regular meeting of the year on Monday, Jan. 10 at city hall. All council members were present but Patrick O’Connor.

   Rich Boruszewski, Executive Director of Financial Aid at Mott Community College and Al Perry, Mott Athletic Director, attended the meeting to offer a reminder to the community of the numerous opportunities Mott has to offer to the Durand area. A number of council members expressed interest to the Mott representatives.

   Following citizen and council comments and an assortment of department reports, the council had a number of items to address. A presentation/adoption of the 2020/2021 audit was on the agenda, but was transferred to February due to the presenter having a health concern.

   Kent Edwards Jr. was appointed to the Durand Planning Commission, following Rick Foster’s retirement. Durand Mayor Ken McDonough recommended Edwards who is a longtime Durand resident and a licensed professional engineer in the state. According to a city memorandum, Edwards “currently works for ROWE Engineering; a multi-disciplinary firm with offices located around Michigan. With the addition of an engineer to the commission, the planning commission will feature members with experience in architecture, construction/building, engineering, health/safety, economic development, state government expertise and a combined knowledge of the local history and desires within the community.”

   Following the planning commission appointment, council members held an involved discussion on the issue of vacant downtown storefronts that are under utilized – often highlighting buildings full of junk, debris or items being stored. There was some talk related to potential fire hazards, though most of the conversation was on how unappealing many of these empty storefronts are to the public.

   Durand City Manager Cameron Horvath offered council some solutions to consider he had found in articles to help with the vacant storefront issue. One article about a similar issue in Muskegon brought up a residential red flag regarding junk, debris and blight problems, forcing council to discuss whether the issue should include both downtown and residential blight/vacancy problems – and if so, how the city should contend with them in a fair and legal manor. Council agreed to pull Muskegon’s ordinance as a reference point, along with due consideration offered to city of Durand ordinance; particularly the rental ordinance.

   Durand approved a city contract with the Durand Union Station Model Railroad Engineers (DUSMRE) for $3 over a 3-year period. DUSMRE has been leasing space inside of the depot building for a few years and the previous lease agreement had expired. The new contract will begin on Feb. 1. The city of Durand retains ownership of the depot structure with a lease agreement with the Durand Union Station, Inc. (DUSI).

   Some of the other items approved during the first meeting of the year included renewing a contract with Wade Trim for professional community planning services, renewing a contract with Rowland Ferwerda for services as a wasterwater operator and also an orders change on the 2021 street project with Zito Construction.

   Other points discussed between council members and those in attendance included making sure residential and commercial sidewalks were being correctly cleared of snow, that vehicles were not parking on streets where/when not permitted and the need to update the city website to make it more user friendly. Council member Connie Cobley expressed concerns connected to all council members paying their taxes and earlier conversations she has had on the  tax subject with Durand City Attorney Matt McKone.

Durand City Council Discusses Vacant Storefronts and More was last modified: January 18th, 2022 by Karen Elford