HOMELESS ANGELS hosted a “Dinner in the Park” event on Sunday, Dec. 30 at Bentley Park in Owosso. The free meal, which included lasagna (meat or vegetable), stuffed breadsticks, green beans, salad and cookies, was provided by Memorial Healthcare. Over 60 guests arrived for the delicious food.

   Volunteering were Shelly Ochodnicky and Tim and Tracie Baise of Homeless Angels, and Owosso City Council members Sue Osika and Janae Fear. Other volunteers included Darren Frye, Paul Miller and Ruth Smith. Shown inside the Homeless Angels food truck are (from left) Ochodnicky, Baise, Miller, Fear and Osika.

   As part of the street ministry, hats, gloves, socks and hygiene items were provided, too.

   After visiting Bentley Park, Ochodnicky delivered the remaining meals to residents residing at Pleasant Valley, a family of six currently living in a local motel and others in need of a quality meal.

   For those who are interested, upcoming Owosso “Dinner in the Park” events will always be held on the fifth Sunday of the month – in those months with a fifth Sunday.

   On Thursday afternoon, Jan. 3, Tim and Tracie Baise visited Owosso City Hall and were granted the permits for construction on the Owosso Homeless Angels campus on N. Park Street. Home Depot cards would be highly appreciated.

   Homeless Angels is a nonprofit organization, currently working to open an Owosso campus/shelter on N. Park Street. To donate or volunteer, more information can be found at www.homelessangels.org.

(Independent Photo/Karen Mead-Elford)

“Dinner in the Park” event was last modified: January 7th, 2019 by Karen Elford