SHERIFF Brian BeGole and his wife, Tammy, held a fall color tour and dinner on Saturday, Oct. 21. BeGole held a fall color tour as a campaign fundraiser while running for Shiawassee County Sheriff in 2016, and he decided to make the tour an annual event due to its popularity. This year approximately 350 of BeGole’s friends, colleagues, and supporters boarded passenger cars at the Steam Railroading Institute in Owosso for the trip to Mt. Pleasant. After completing the train ride, guests then dined at Centennial Hall, where a prime rib dinner was served. The large party overwhelmed the capacity of Centennial Hall, so Mountain Town Station, which is located nearer to Mt. Pleasant Station, was used to accommodate guests who did not want to make the longer journey to Centennial Hall. Passengers were entertained during the train ride by the music of The Lawson Brothers.
(Independent Photo/Graham Sturgeon)