CAPITAL AREA Community Services (CACS) of Shiawassee County held its 33rd Walk for Warmth in Durand on Saturday, March 11 to raise funds to assist local residents with home heating costs. Participants, wearing complementary Walk for Warmth shirts, began their walk at Bertha Neal Elementary on W. Main Street and walked a nearly three-mile course that took them through downtown Durand and back to the elementary school.

   Gathered prior to the walk was (from left) Durand Police Chief Jason Hartz, who provided the necessary police escort through town, along with organizers Renee Brown, Kim Tyler, Sherri Manasco and Sally Libby. Renee and Sally work with CACS Head Start, and Sally (President), Sherri (Treasurer) and Kim are members of the Durand Eagles Auxiliary.

(Independent Photo/Graham Sturgeon)

Capital Area Community Services was last modified: March 21st, 2023 by Karen Elford