by Graham Sturgeon, co-editor

   Capital Area Community Services of Shiawassee County will host the 30th annual Walk for Warmth on Saturday, Feb. 22 at the Shiawassee Council on Aging in Owosso. One-hundred percent of the event’s proceeds will be used to provide heat and related utility assistance to low-income families, seniors and those with disabilities who live in Shiawassee County.

   Registration will begin at 9 a.m. on Feb. 22, and the three-mile walk will begin at 9:30 a.m. at the Shiawassee Council on Aging, which is located at 300 N. Washington St. in downtown Owosso. Prior to the walk, breakfast will be served inside the Council on Aging, for a small donation.

   The event will also include face painting, and the chance for walkers to interact and take pictures with Buckle Bear and other CACS friends dressed as a penguin, a fox and a snowman.

   For questions, please call CACS at (989) 723-3115. More information can also be found online, at

   Sponsoring this year’s event is Shattuck Specialty Advertising, Delux Trophies & Awards, Tri-Mer Corporation, Team One Credit Union, #raiseUPshiawassee and Blue Cross Complete of Michigan. Additionally, Head Start will provide transportation for anyone who would like to participate in the three-mile walk but is physically unable to do so.

CACS Announces 30th Annual Walk for Warmth was last modified: February 10th, 2020 by Karen Elford