THE ANNUAL LINCOLN DAY Dinner of the Shiawassee County Republican Party was held on Monday, April 29 at the Comstock Inn and Conference Center in Owosso, with nearly 60 party supporters in attendance. The group dined on a meal of roast beef and turkey, green beans and potatoes. The event was sponsored by State Senator Tom Barrett, R-Charlotte, and Shiawassee County Republican Party Secretary Theresa Grace.

   Rep. Ben Frederick, R-Owosso, and Senator Barrett introduced the evening’s keynote speaker, State Senator Lana Theis, who spoke for more than 30 minutes about the state’s overpriced, ineffective auto insurance industry, which is wrought with fraud and liberal loopholes allowing widespread abuse.

   Along with Senator Barrett, Rep. Frederick and Senator Theis, some of the other distinguished guests in attendance included former House Speaker Tom Leonard, the Honorable Ward Clarkston, Perry Mayor James Huguelet, District 7 Commissioner John Plowman, Curwood Castle Docent Denice Grace and former Shiawassee County Clerk John Pajtas, among others.

(Independent Photo/Graham Sturgeon)

Annual Lincoln Day Dinner was last modified: May 6th, 2019 by Karen Elford